Saturday, February 9, 2008

Super Fat Tuesday Celebration

Like Haley's comet we recently had an extraordinary confluence events occur. Never again will so many people vote on the same day as Mardi Gras when the Giants are having their victory parade. Crazy! Well, my time in Canada is a little prematurely at an end. My show tonight has been cancelled and of course it is snowing...again. On the Republican side of things I must admit to being shocked that John McCain has all but wrapped up the nomination. How a man so reviled by the Rush Limbaugh wing of the Republican party could win is hard to fathom. I suppose it's more an indictment of the paucity of candidates than anything else. I mean, who couldn't beat a man named Mitt. And Huckabee, let's be serious. He is way too populist for any of those right wingers. Religion is fine as long as it doesn't involve sharing the wealth. So it comes down to McCain. Who would have thought last year that someone so in step with Bush on the war could have a really good chance of winning the presidency. Somehow the war has been spun as this huge success now. Because it is no longer a collosal horrible mess it is now a huge victory. There are strong anti war arguments to be made but the Dems are not really making them. Part of their problem was that they never really made a good anti war case beyond we shouldn't have gone in there in the first place. Yeah, true, but we did and now what? Neither side is being very truthful or realistic. Are we going to be there the next 15 or 20 years because that's at least what it is going to take. Whether or not you think the surge is working we just do not have the man power to sustain so we'll have to withdraw troops whether you are for the surge or not. Can we afford to spend a couple hundred billion a year (I'm sure it probably ends up costing even more than that). What about Afghanistan and North Korea and Iran and... Don't it make most of our threats and intimidation and influence empty when it is clear we can only just barely sustain the wars we are already fighting? On the Democratic side we're looking at a long drawn out slugfest. I suppose I'm one of these undecided people you hear about. I think I'm leaning towards Obama but I'm not entirely sure about his lack of policy details. He's great at the platitudes but it'd be nice to have some more specific proposals. At least he would avoid a quarter century of only two families ruling the most powerful country in the world (Go Democracy!). And on top of that he seems like a genuinely good guy. Not that it is necessarily the job for a good person. To me politics is like sports and I follow it the same way checking out all the scores and trades and it's pretty fascinating. The stakes happen to be a little bit higher though.