Sunday, May 2, 2010

Friday the 30th

This Friday's show was a pretty good one. The highlight was of course the appearance of steve's mom. She is what one might call a firecracker. My favorite part of the night was when we finished the first set and she had befriended two beautiful women who she prompltly introduced to her son as he got off stage. Nothin like you're mom pimpin for ya. At one point during the set I saw two women talking to each other and i could tell one was trying to explain to the other that the voice she was hearing was coming from the tuba. It cracked me up so I gave them a nod. I'm trying to be a little more aware of the audience and what's going on with them rather than just being completely caught up in my own world. The late Friday late night shows at pianos aren't really gonna get me anywhere as a musician long term. By which I mean anyone who goes to pianos late night on a Friday would probably never go to a real show and conversely anyone who might go to a regular show would never come to pianos late night on a Friday. So from an audience building career standpoint it's kind of a useless gig. But over the course of a night we can play to a lot of people and I really enjoy the challenging nature of the gig. I enjoy confronting someone who would never go see strange experimental tuba music. I like seeing their confusion and I enjoy the challenge of forcing them to enjoy something they never would have thought they'd like. This gig is all about that look of surprise on people's faces. Besides which you constantly read about people whining about the gentrification of the downtown scene and how's there's nothing experimental going on anymore and how you gotta go out to Brooklyn where everything is cool and hip and this is a little bit of my thumb in those people's eyes. Steve was working for Amy Arbus for a while and I remember him telling me about going to a party of a bunch of well off folks reminiscing about the old downtown days when crazy art went down and how those days are a thing of the past because nothing exciting or different goes down anymore. Well, as they say in new Orleans "fuck all y'all." you can say all you want about the dead end stupidity of playing electronic tuba rock music but I'll put it up against anything that went down at CBGBs back in the day creatively speaking. There's plenty of shit still going on out there people. You just have to make a reasonable effort to find it and if that effort involves squeezing your way through a sardeine can full of douchebag than so be it. Thanks pianos for keepin it weird in the face of normal


Everyone has a story to tell. I happen to have a particularly useless one...