Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back in the USA

One really nice thing about touring in the U.S. is that it's great having the complete use of my phone at all times (like being able to write this as I kill time before playing the Rialto theatre in Tucson, Arizona). I just read an article in the times questioning why data usage fees are so crazy across borders. It doesn't make any sense. I'm doing a lot of flying this summer for these buckethead shows and it's occured to me I have to figure out a way to lose a little over ten pounds on my electronics case. The over weight fees are killing me. The airlines are so arbitrary with them. I'm thinking I just new to find a really light case. The one I have has really held up great though. It's crazy hot here in Arizona. I think it hit 113 today. The other great thing about being in the states is understanding everything. It took me a minute to get my gps back from kilometers to miles. I'm watching the sun set outside the venue and it's really beautiful. The sky is so close to earth in these parts. Shit. Gotta get on stage...

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